
Hiros/Half-Hiros (★Rare)

Category: Type
Species: Browbird (Hiros / Half-Hiros subtype)
❗ This trait is restricted to hiros/half-hiros subtype browirds only! It can only be applied using a Hylos Relic item.

Browbird subtype. Add this as a trait when submitting your design if they have the hiros type to help with sorting!

Go here for more info on this subtype!


Trubull (★Rare)

Category: Type
Species: Kitbull (Trubull subtype)

This trait is just a type marker, you can find the full subtype info HERE.


Nightmares (★Rare)

Category: Aspect


✦ This section is for how it may manifest on traits that require an aspect!

  • Teeth, eyes, meat
  • Darkness, mouths, hunger
  • Sleep, closed eyes
  • Monsters, fears

NOTE: Any depictions of horror elements should remain PG-13


Dreams (★Rare)

Category: Aspect


✦ This section is for how it may manifest on traits that require an aspect!

  • Clouds, rainbows, sweet things
  • Butterflies or moths, keyholes
  • Sleep, closed eyes
  • Wishes, hopes, desires, Visions, fantasies

Shadow (★Rare)

Category: Aspect


✦ This section is for how it may manifest on traits that require an aspect!

  • Darkness, vague shadow creatures, shadow ghosts, the character's shadow
  • Black flames, ink, liquid shadow, swirling shadow
  • Grasping shadow hands, fading shadows

Heavens Crest (★Rare)

Category: Crest
Species: Browbird

Choose one of the following shapes. Once chosen, you cannot change the shape.


➕ Hiros Empyrean Crest

➕ Hiros Empyrean Crest (★Rare)

Category: Crest
Species: Browbird (Hiros / Half-Hiros subtype)
❗ This trait is restricted to hiros/half-hiros subtype browirds only!
➕ This trait can only be added to the Hiros/Half hiros subtype.

✅ Existing Designs
: When your character already has a rare crest, or a crest with rare effect you may add on additional rare effects (or effects of lower rarities) at the design change salon through the use of an Appearence Change ticket.
❌ Rare effects cannot be added onto an existing design otherwise. And item with this functionality is planned for a future update.
✅ MYO Designing: When designing a new character, adding a rare effect to a crest shape of a lower rarity makes the entire crest rare. You may use an Rare Trait Potion or purchased rare trait to make the crest rare.

The rare empyrean effect can have 3-6 wings anywhere on the crest.
Size: Wings should be no bigger than what is shown. However, there is no size limit to wings on mythic crests. 

✅  The wings themselves can be styled differently than what is shown. They can blend more with the crest or be more stylized.
✅  They can be attached to the crest or floating very close to it.
✅ They can be applied to any crest shape, not just the ones shown in examples.


Misc Rare Crest (★Rare)

Category: Crest
Species: Browbird

Choose one of the following shapes. Once chosen, you cannot change the shape.

Shattered is now a crest effect and no longer a crest style. You can find out more HERE. (TBA)


Emotia Crest (★Rare)

Category: Crest
Species: Browbird

Choose one of the following shapes. Once chosen, you cannot change the shape.


Wonder Crest (★Rare)

Category: Crest
Species: Browbird

Choose one of the following shapes. Once chosen, you cannot change the shape.


Blessed Crest (★Rare)

Category: Crest
Species: Browbird

Choose one of the following shapes. Once chosen, you cannot change the shape.


💫 x2 Crests (★Rare)

Category: Crest
Species: Browbird




➕ Rare Crest Effect

➕ Rare Crest Effect (★Rare)

Category: Crest
Species: Browbird

‼️ Please read over the main crest info first! Applying any of these effects will make your crest RARE.

★ Huge Crest

Trait: Allows the crest to be over 1x head height to a max of 1.5x head height

✅ Sizing is always proportional to your character and how they are drawn/stylized.

❌ CANNOT GO PAST 1.5x head height this includes ALL effects, multiple crests, and particles. 

The larger the crest, the more magical energy a browbird has to draw from allowing them to perform bigger feats of magic, but it takes them far longer to recover if they're utterly drained. There are also bigger risks that come with overdrawing.


Trait: Rare crest color possibilities! Unlimited hues and a wider range for dark colors.

✅ Prismatic lets you have any amount of different colors on the crest applied to any part of the crest, effects, and particles
✅ Prismatic effect ALSO allows the crest to optionally change to any color (within crest rarity) whether it be at will or for a specific IC reason. This can optionally be included on the masterlist but does not have to be.
✅ Dark crests allow any amount of DARK saturated colors placed anywhere on the crest, effects, and particles
✅ You can mix where the colors are placed and how much coverage there is!

❌ DARK CRESTS cannot be duller than common crests, ONLY darker. The examples show the darkest possible colors!
❌ KEEP IN MIND some gradients may make muddy colors that turn gray, try to stay within range even on gradients!

Dark crests give off less light, hinting at some kind of run in with the Abyss.
Prismatic crests on the other hand are flashy. A multicolored soul often means you will find more success when branching out into new aspects.

★ Shattered

Trait: Breaks the crest apart

✅ Can be broken into any amount of fragments but fragments must be floating VERY CLOSE TOGETHER and maintain the shape of the original crest
✅ Can have cracks, be broken fragments, or both
✅ 1-5 tiny shards can float slightly further from the crest (check the star example below)
✅ Breaks can be jagged or clean
✅ Can be applied to effects

❌ Cannot be made to look like multiple crest shapes at all, it must be pieces of a singular crest only

It is a scar left behind by trauma. What could alter someone's view of the world so drastically that it breaks apart their soul?

★ Starlit

Trait: Fills the crest with tons of sparkles, stars, and constellations. The stars contained within move separately from the crest, like you are gazing through a hole into another world.

✅ Can be applied to the shape or any effects

❌ Must be contained within the crest

Those with close ties to the astral oceans have souls filled with stars. No matter where they are, the crest reflects the sky in a place that was important to them.

★ Scribble

Trait: Changes the crest to have a rough, scratchy, or scribbly drawing look.

✅ Can be applied to any shape and effects
✅ Can affect the whole crest or just the outlines/patterns

❌ Must still retain the crest shape and be clear which crest shape it is regardless of roughness

A sign of instability, whether it be in your body, magic, or mind. The soul is struggling to hold itself together, one day it may unravel.

★ Brilliance

Trait: Adds glowing streaks of light around the edges of the crest

✅ Can fully or partially surround the crest or an effect
✅ Can overlap with the crest
✅ Sizes of the individual brilliance lights can be uneven sizes but should still at least vaguely form a circle or half circle

❌ Cannot extend past the crest sizing limit, if your crest is already max size for its rarity you will have to size it down to fit the brilliance
❌ Can only be applied ONCE per crest shape
❌ Cannot be used to make the crest resemble a clock

Someone who has been so loved that the shine of their soul reflects it.

★ Outline

Trait: Turns a crest into just an outline of its shape.

✅ Can be applied to any crest shape, effect, or both

❌ All parts of the outline must be entirely connected, there cannot be stray floating shapes (unless shattered)
❌ Must be SIMPLE and follow the shape of the crest only, new crest shapes cannot be added within the outline. It should not resemble crests of a higher rarity!

Something important is missing, or was it taken? Those with only an outline crest have experienced a loss so devestating that it took part of their soul with it.

⚡ Cracked Mask (★Rare)

Category: Mask
Species: Painted Satyr

🌈 Can be applied using a Rare Trait Potion.
🌈 Can be applied using Cracked Mask item.

Trait: Allows the mask to be cracked.

✅ You can have as many cracks on the mask as you'd like!
✅ Cracks do not have to be symmetrical 
✅ Cracks can have inlays matching mask material on gold, ice, and gemstone masks.

❌ Trait does not allow missing chunks, only thin cracks.
❌ Glowing cracks require glowing markings.
❌ Cracks leaking energy will require a blight mask.

Cracked Mask

Magical Mask

Magical Mask (★Rare)

Category: Mask
Species: Painted Satyr

🌈 This trait can be applied to newly created designs with a Rare Trait Potion.

✅ If you would like to add mask features corresponding to your satyr's mask material you can do so at the salon with 1 appearance change.

Trait: Rare mask materials. These masks are created from materials with magical properties. 

✅ When creating a rare mask you can choose up to two materials of rare or lower rarity. Extra material cannot be added to existing designs with rare masks. These are called "split masks" and their purpose is to allow multiple free mask traits. 
✅ Masks can be any color and have markings
✅ Choosing a mask requires you fill 1 aspect spot with the mask's associated aspect, you will still have 1 open aspect slot. Choosing two materials grants you one aspect from each material, which you are required to pick. You are given these aspects for free!
✅ Facial hair and thick fluffy eyebrows are okay, but should clearly be separate from the mask!
✅ Their bones often match their mask material, but will be much sturdier and are naturally reinforced through magic

❌ For a rare mask to be approved the design must have at least one free mask trait from the mask's list.

Mask material cannot be changed once chosen.

Non listed materials are categorized by whatever it most closely resembles!


  • Meteor Mask



    ★ Required Aspect:
    (Choose one)

    Shadow            Metal
      Fire                Arcane
    ★ Free Traits:
    You must choose at least one of these features.

    ➕ Comet -- The edges of the mask have long curved spines that flow back over the head. They should not be much bigger than shown.

    ➕ Singed
    -- Fire, shadow, and arcane only! The edges of the mask, small areas of patches tips of the the tail and horns, hair, ears, wings and/or the flora can have small areas that flicker like coals or lightly smoke/have a tiny flame effect. Effect should be kept very minimal (10% coverage max) as to not be mistaken for glowing markings/glowing flora or elemental parts.

    ★ About
    Material salvaged from a meteorite crashed near a satyr settlement. It can be made out of all sorts of things. Those with masks such as this will find themselves longing for adventure and are drawn back towards the stars.  


  • Prism Mask

    Prism Mask

    ★ Required Aspect:

    ★ Free Traits:
    You must choose at least one of these features.

    ➕ Low-poly Mask-- The mask takes on a strange, low-poly look similar to a perfectly cut stone.

    ➕ Translucency -- The horns patches, tail patches, and/or flora can be see-through. The stripes still remain in tact. This also allows for tips of the fur/tail/hair to be see through. Effect should be kept very minimal (10% coverage max) as to not be mistaken for elemental parts.

    ★ About
    Enchanted prisms are often used in illusion spells due to their ability to bend light in odd ways making them good catalysts for tricky spells. Masks made from such a material are few and far between but it's always obvious when there's a prism satyr around. They're seen as secretive types who take time to open up.


  • Gemstone Mask


    ★ Required Aspect:

    ★ Free Traits:
    You must choose at least one of these features.

    ➕ Facet -- A crystal mask resembling a more rough gemstone that can shine in many facet colors. It can have very small crystal growths at the edges like shown.

    ➕ Crystal Veins -- Allows small veins of crystal over the body, horns, tail, and/or patches.

    ➕ Crystal Flora -- Allows the flora to be made of crystal.

    ★ About

Rare masks can have up to two materials, these are called "split masks". This opens the door to many combinations when creating new designs! You are able to have features from both mask materials, and even combine them in some cases. A good example would be creating crystalwood, which wood with crystal veins running through it. Keep in mind that the combinations allowed by a split mask are never more than the sum of their parts. Entirely new and unlisted effects aren't created from this!

Using a split mask requires that you pick one aspect from each material, you do not need any additional items/traits to apply these aspects as they are included for free alongside the mask materials you chose!

Split Mask


⚡ Rosethorn

⚡ Rosethorn (★Rare)

Category: Horns
Species: Browbird

Additional horn customization.
Adds tiny thorns to the horns.

🌈 Can be added with a Rosethorn Water
🌈 Can be added with a Rare Trait Potion

✅ Can be added to any horn type.
✅ Can be added alongside other additional horn traits.
✅ Can be applied to one horn or both.
✅ Application does not have to be symmetrical.
✅ Can be applied randomly or be used to create lines of thorns.
✅ This trait does not replace other traits!

🔸 Thorns should be kept short and small. They should not resemble branching antlers.

Rare Rosethorn

Rare Branch Horns

Rare Branch Horns (★Rare)

Category: Horns
Species: Painted Satyr

🌈 Can be applied to a painted satyr with a Rare Trait Potion

Trait: Rare satyr horns.
Size: Rare horns can be up to roughly 2x head height

✅ Can have up to 3 sets of horns. Horn count for multiple sets counts all branches on 1 side of the head.
✅ Can have 11+ Branches
✅ Can be asymmetrical
✅ Can have soft, rounded branches or square branches
✅ Can have broken, snapped off, cropped, or missing horns. Broken horns can grow flora!

❌ Cannot grow from areas outside the top/upper sides of the head.
❌ Only 3 maximum horns can be placed on each side of the head.



Note: Small mistake on 11 branch example, one branch isn't showing and will be edited to show the proper count!

⚡ Broken Horns

⚡ Broken Horns (★Rare)

Category: Horns

🌈 Can be added to a browbird with a Browbird Broken Horns
🌈 Can be added to a kitbull with Kitbull Broken Horns
🌈 Can be added to a browbird or kitbull with a Rare Trait Potion

✅ Can be added to any horn type.
✅ Can be applied to one horn or both.
✅ Application does not have to be symmetrical.
✅ This trait does not replace other traits!

❌ Does not allow horns to have large holes carved out of them.
❌ Does not change base horn rarity or change horns to uncommon or rare
❌ Does not add horns to a character
❌ Does not allow you to completely remove a horn
❌ Cannot glow without mythic Glowing Markings
❌ If you decide to draw your character with a "horn cap" or "horn replacement" to cover the break, please keep in mind that it must not appear as if their horn itself is made of a different material. 

Rare Horns

Rare Horns (★Rare)

Category: Horns
Species: Browbird

Rare browbird horn types. 

You can change the horns of an existing design to a rare style if you have an Rare Trait potion, You must go through the design change salon to do so!

✅ The maximum length cannot be longer than roughly 2x (twice) browbird's head height. 
✅ Can be as thick as the thickest horns shown in the examples below

🔸 This trait allows only one set of horns placed on the top, side, or back of the head unless the example shows otherwise
🔸 Rare horns should not have more than 6 branches
🔸 Horns should be symmetrical by default
🔸 Uncommon horns can be doubled, this will make them rare! 

🔸 "Tiara" Horns labeled below on the examples should not be much larger than shown. For a larger version of the trait, please see Mythic Horns!

🔸 For "No Horns" see the No Horns trait.

When creating a new design with rare horns or adding rare horns to an existing design, you are also able to add the following common horn modifiers for free:

If you have an additional Uncommon Trait Potion, access to an additional uncommon trait, or another item that allows for it, you may also add on the following per uncommon trait:

If you have a Rare Trait potion, access to a rare trait for your MYO, or another item that allows for it, you may also add on one of the following per rare trait/item to your common horns:

Examples of Rare Horns

You are not limited to the horns shown.





Hiros Rare Wing Horns

Hiros Rare Wing Horns (★Rare)

Category: Horns
Species: Browbird (Hiros / Half-Hiros subtype)
❗ This trait is restricted to hiros/half-hiros subtype browirds only!

🌈 Can be applied to a hiros or half hiros browbird with a Rare Trait Potion.




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