Trait Categories


Browbird Horn Information

Browbird Horns

You can see all browbird horns HERE!

Nearly all browbirds have at least one set of horns growing from their heads. Browbird horns continue growing throughout the browbird's entire life, and they are incredibly difficult to break. Most browbirds spend time tending to their horns by keeping them polished and shaving them down slightly to prevent them from growing too long.
General Horn Size and Shape
Browbird horns vary widely in size and shape. The maximum size and complexity of a set of horns is often determined by rarity. Smaller, single sets of horns will usually be common, while larger horns or horns that have more branches will be rarer.
Horn Color
They can be any color and can have gradients. Each horn can have a different color, they do not have to match.
✦ Horn Patterns and Markings
Horn markings have no rarity by themselves and you are able to add all kinds of markings to your browbird's horns. However, to add markings such as stars, runes, constellations, crescent moons, or sparkles to your horns you will need the rare body marking to do so. You can see all rare markings in additional traits.
✦ Horn Decoration
Horn decoration has no rarity. You are able to freely add decorations and accessories of any kind to your browbird's horns.
Glowing Accents on Horns
Horns with glowing markings, engravings, or insides (in the case of broken horns) would all be considered mythic and can be added for free if you have the glowing marking trait.
✦ Elemental Horn Types and Effects
To have elemental horns of any kind your browbird must be an ancient and have the corresponding aspect.
✦ Horns growing from the body
To grow horns from the body in places other than the head your browbird would need to be a halv.

Horn Traits

Toggle the spoilers below to see all additional horn traits and styles.
You can also find all horn traits here

To see the below images at a larger size you can right click and "view image"! 

You are able to combine common, uncommon, rare, and mythic types of horns together. However, the rarity will take after whichever is the highest rarity, or whichever type of horn it resembles more.


Additional Horn Traits
Additional horn traits are applied on top of the horn style. 
They are separate traits and do not replace the horns or stack with their rarity.

Common Horn Styles
Uncommon Horn Styles
Rare Horn Styles
Mythic Horn Styles

Hiros Exclusive Horn Styles

All Hiros Exclusive Horns

For hiros browbirds there are several extra horn styles exclusive to this type.
These horns often resemble wings or are linked together to create simple halos. 
These traits work the same as regular uncommon, rare, or mythic traits but can only be applied to hiros and half-hiros browbird.
Ancient Exclusive Horn Styles

All Ancient Exclusive Horns

For ancient browbirds there are several extra horn styles exclusive to this type.
Revenant Exclusive Horn Styles

All Revenant Exclusive Horns

For revenant browbirds there are several extra horn styles exclusive to this type.
Halv Exclusive Horn Styles

All Halv Exclusive Horns

For halv browbirds there are several extra horn styles exclusive to this type.

Painted Satyr Horn Information

Painted Satyr Horns

You can see all painted satyr horns HERE!

Painted satyr horns can be broken, trimmed, and grown into specific shapes. They can break rather easily, and can grow back! They are plant-like in texture and slightly flexible.
Horns can grow  from the very top of the mask or from the head behind the mask, on the top or side of the head. They do not naturally grow from other areas (such as eyes, middle of mask, body, etc!)
1 by Browbird4 by Browbird
General Horn Size and Shape
Satyr horns vary somewhat in size and shape, and  generally come to rounded or square branch tips. Branched horns are the standard of the species! Horns can be straight, curved, asymmetrical, broken, lightly scratched/damaged, or missing. Broken horns are able to grow flora from the broken areas. 

For horns with sharp tipped branches see Briarthorn.


2 by Browbird5 by Browbird3 by Browbird

✦ Counting Branches
Branch count goes off of the highest number on one side. 
✦ Horn Patterns, Color, and Markings
Horns are always striped like patches and can be any color. They do not have to match other patch areas and can be asymmetrical in terms of color. By default the horns do not have additional markings aside from optional small accent dots. Below are some examples of standard horn patterns and coloration. 
Horn Color by Browbird
✦ Flora Growing on Horns
Flora can grow from the horns. To see flora types you can click the images below.
✦ Horn Carvings
Carved satyr horns are uncommon. You are able to earn the item to apply the trait by completing the Engraving Memories quest
✦ Horn Decoration
Horn decoration has no rarity. You are able to freely add decorations and accessories of any kind to your browbird's horns.
Glowing Accents on Horns
Horns with glowing markings, stripes, engravings, or insides (in the case of broken horns) would all be considered mythic and are not available by default but can be added on by using the glowing patches trait.
✦ Elemental Horn Types and Effects
To have horns with elemental effects the character must have the elemental feyblood trait.
✦ Horns or branches growing from the body
To grow horns from places outside of the usual horn zone it would require the overgrowth feyblood trait. 

Horn Traits

Toggle the spoilers below to see examples of horn traits.
You can also find all horn traits here

You are not limited to what is shown!

You are able to combine common, uncommon, rare, and mythic types of horns together. However, the final rarity of the trait will take after whichever is the highest rarity is used in the combination.

Common Horn Styles

Common Painted Satyr Horns

Common painted satyr horns can have 0-5 branches.
They can be up to 1x head height.
7 by Browbird8 by Browbird9 by Browbird
|| 0 Branch (Hornless) || 1 Branch || 5 Branch ||


Uncommon Horn Styles

unCommon Painted Satyr Horns

Uncommon painted satyr horns can have 6-10 branches.
They can be up to 1.5x head height.
They can have up to 2 sets of horns on each side of the head.
For multiple sets the total amount of branches counts all from one side, rather than the individual horns!
10 by Browbird11 by Browbird12 by Browbird
|| 2 Set 8 branch || 6 Branch || 10 Branch ||
Rare Horn Styles

Rare Painted Satyr Horns

Rare painted satyr horns can have 11+ branches.
They can be up to 2x head height.
They can have up to 3 sets of horns on each side of the head.
For multiple sets the total amount of branches counts all from one side, rather than the individual horns!
13 by Browbird14 by Browbird16 by Browbird
|| 3 Set, 11 Branch || 11 Branch || 20 Branch ||
Note: 11 is missing one branch, will edit soon!!
Mythic Horn Styles

Mythic Painted Satyr Horns

Mythic painted satyr horns have no maximum branch limit.
They can be up to 3x head height.
They can have up to 5 sets of horns on each side of the head.
Horns can be linked together and make connected loops.
17 by Browbird18 by Browbird19 by Browbird
Feyblood Exclusive Horn Styles

Feyblood Exclusive Horns

A possible feyblood trait are feylord horns.
These horns include a unicorn horn, which can have any number of branches OR a crown of horns that partiallyy or fully encirles the head with a unicorn horn at the center.
20 by Browbird21 by Browbird22 by Browbird

Kitbull Horn Information

Coming soon!

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