
⚡ Broken Horns

⚡ Broken Horns (★Rare)

Category: Horns

🌈 Can be added to a browbird with a Browbird Broken Horns
🌈 Can be added to a kitbull with Kitbull Broken Horns
🌈 Can be added to a browbird or kitbull with a Rare Trait Potion

✅ Can be added to any horn type.
✅ Can be applied to one horn or both.
✅ Application does not have to be symmetrical.
✅ This trait does not replace other traits!

❌ Does not allow horns to have large holes carved out of them.
❌ Does not change base horn rarity or change horns to uncommon or rare
❌ Does not add horns to a character
❌ Does not allow you to completely remove a horn
❌ Cannot glow without mythic Glowing Markings
❌ If you decide to draw your character with a "horn cap" or "horn replacement" to cover the break, please keep in mind that it must not appear as if their horn itself is made of a different material. 

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