
๐Ÿ”ฎ Extra Wings (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds 1-2 extra sets of wings per use.
Size:ย Relative to where its placed

  • Wings placed on the back near normal back wings can be the same size as normal back wings
  • Tail wings - 1x body length for quadruped kitbulls, 50% body length for bipedal kitbulls, longbulls, and trubulls
  • Limb wings - 1.5x length of the limb its placed on
  • Head wings - 2x head height

โœ… Can be placed on:

  • Head
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Back
  • Tail
  • Chest
  • Hips
  • Halo

โœ… Can be any normal wing style and affected by any traits that affect wings. They do not have to match other wings on the design!
โœ… When a set is placed it must be symmetrical in placement OR missing a wing on one side. Wings can be mismatched in style and size, just not placed in 2 different spots!

โŒ TWO placements per item, for additional sets of wings please use multiple items!
โŒ Cannot replace traits. See wing replacement or wyvern wings for replacements
โŒ Not needed to add normal back wings and cannot be placed where normal wings would go! Use the wings mutation instead.
โŒ Cannot be fins

๐Ÿ”ฎ Glass Body (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: A particularly odd modification to kitbulls, this allows their main body to be made of hard but flexible glass!
Size: Replaces part of or all of the main body. Does not affect limbs/wings/tail/other parts.

โœ… Must be translucent or transparent with clear lines indicating the body is still present
โœ… Glass can be tinted any color and have markings as long as it clearly resembles glass.
โœ… Must be solid material only with no breaks by default
โœ… The interior can optionally be filled with any non-living, non elemental objects. Eg: candy, plushies, toys, basic weapons, dice, stargold etc. These objects should not glow, made of liquid, or be floating/animated/etc, mundane objects only!
โœ… Can be affected by: elemental insides to have elements (water, blood, fire, planets, dirt etc) contained within the glass, shattered for broken/cracked glass, hollow for holes in the glass that expose the inside, ecosystem for animals living inside the glass body

โŒ Glass area cannot be affected by the elemental enchantment trait
โŒ Glass body does not apply to other parts like halo, thorns, limbs, etc, use elemental enchantment instead! ONLY can affect the body (torso)! Anything added on would be solid by default.
โŒ Does not modify the base anatomy, the body is still the same shape!

๐Ÿ”ฎ Sea Hair (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Replaces some or all of the hair on the top of the head with something themed after sea creatures!
Size: Follows standard hair length guidelines!

โœ… Possible replacements:

  • Fish fin hair
  • Shark fin hair
  • Jellyfish tendril hair
  • Squid or octopus tentacle hair

โœ… Fin style hair can be lightly translucent
โœ… Tentacle style hair can be furred or smooth. Tentacles can also have small fins applied to them.
โœ… Sea hair can be lightly tattered and have small holes
โœ… Tentacles can have "chopped off/scarred" sections as long as there are no exposed wounds, bones, or blood.
โœ… Can stack with super long hair for tentacles and jellyfish tendrils only!

โŒ Only affects head hair and does not add fins or tentacles elsewhere on the design.
โŒ Cannot resemble snaks, worms, wings, other limbs, ears, or nudibranch nubs, it must specifically be one of the listed types!
โŒ Cannot heavily obscure face

๐Ÿ”ฎ Sea Tail (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Replaces the kitbull's tail with a sea creature tail
Size: Follows standard tail sizing

โœ… Must be clearly based off a sea creature. Examples: tentacle tail, betta tail, shark tail, dolphin tail, eel tail, salmon tail
โœ… Can have fins. If the fins are fish styled they can be lightly translucent, lightly tattered, and have small holes.
โœ… Tentacle styled tails can have small scars and cuts or missing pieces as long as no blood or bone is exposed.
โœ… Can stack with huge tail, odd tail, and multiple tails to further modify the sea tail

โŒ Tail does not come with scalesย  by default, it would be smooth or furred! Apply the scales trait to have a scaled tail.
โŒ For shrimp or lobster tails use insect tail instead!

๐Ÿ”ฎ Float (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Part of the kitbull that would normally be attached floats separately from the main body
Size: N/A See info below!

โœ… Groups that can affected (1 group per application)
Eg: you can pick just arms, or arms AND legs as 1 application. But cannot pick arms and horns, that would be x2 applications!

  • Arms, legs, and extra limbs
  • Middle of body
  • Tail and extra tails
  • Ears and extra ears
  • Head and extra heads
  • Wings and extra wings
  • Horns, body horns, and spines
  • Solid elemental addons like bone "armor"

โœ… Parts can float slightly away from the body and be interacted with like normal
โœ… Parts can reattach
โœ… Elemental insides can show from the cutoff points eg: dripping lava, or elemental enchantmant can make parts affected by an element eg: floating spectral ghost hands.

โŒ Does not change default anatomy, or totally remove chunks of the design, the parts must still be on the design just floating separately from how they'd normally be attached!
โŒ Cannot have multiple breaks per part. Eg: for floating arms you can have a cutoff at the shoulder or mid arm, but not both!
โŒ It must be a single clean cutoff point with no extra floating bits or shattering effect. Use the shattered trait instead!

๐Ÿ”ฎ Body Horns (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds horns and large spikes to the body
Size: Up to 2x head height per horn, max 50% body coverage

โœ… Horns can be: branched, spiraled, branched, ridged, any color, mismatched, chipped, scrached, and have holes
โœ… Horns can be connected to each other
โœ… Any trait that affects body thorns OR head horns can also apply to this trait.
โœ… Can grow from eyes
โœ… Can stack with parts that expose the inside to allow horns to grow from inside the kitbull
โœ… Can cluster in areas as long as it doesn't obstruct or overgrow a part
โœ… Can stack with elemental to look like trees with wood texture & leaves

โŒ Should not entirely overgrow or replace parts
โŒ Cannot grow from horns or be placed on the head to appear like horns.
โŒ Cannot grow from the mouth if the design has one
โŒ Cannot grow in the shapes of other traits
โŒ Cannot curl around the kitbull to appear as bones or armor plating, it must look like horns

๐Ÿ”ฎ Body Tentacles (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds up to 8 tentacles to the body
Size:ย ย 

  • KITBULL - 2x body length or 1x body height if bipedal
  • LONGBULL - 1.5x body length
  • TRUBULL - 1x body height

โœ… Can be placed anywhere on the back, upper body, or front limbs
โœ… Can be squid or octopus style
โœ… Can be smooth or have fur
โœ… Tentacles can have scars and cutoff parts as long as no blood or bone is exposed
โœ… Can stack with: the maw trait to come from the maw, elemental to make elemental tentacles, extra eyes to add eyes to the tentacles, things like fins to add fins to the tentacles, or feathers & scales to change tentacle texture. And more!

โŒ Cannot be placed on the inner back legs, or used to resemble a tail or multiple tails, use sea tail+multiple tails instead
โŒ Cannot be placed to resemble hair, use sea hair instead
โŒ Cannot totally obstruct body or limbs
โŒ Cannot grow from the mouth or eyes
โŒ Maw cannot be placed on tentacles

๐Ÿ”ฎ Maw (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds extra mouths to the kitbull

  • Up to 5 smaller mouths individually up to 25% body size
  • Alternatively you may place 1 large mouth that runs along the entire front torso OR back of the torso stopping at the neck (pick 1 placement!)

โœ… Can be placed on the head, body, tails, wings, ears, tentacles
โœ… Mouth can be flat, catlike, or jagged
โœ… Mouth can have a tongue
โœ… Teeth can be flat, sharp, etc! They can also poke out when the mouth is closed.
โœ… If placed on the head it must look unnatural and not give the impression of a normally placed mouth!
โœ… Can replace both eyes or cover whole face if combined with the absence trait
โœ… Inside of the mouths can be affected by elemental insides

โŒ Cannot entirely split parts in half or modify anatomy to split parts, eg: cannot bisect the head or whole body. Cannot split the tail to make it look like 2 tails, cannot be a 'hidden mouth' under the head that lifts the face up.
โŒ Cannot make body parts resemble a real animal, eg: a snake tail
โŒ Cannot be placed on horns, thorns, or inside the kitbull
โŒ Cannot have a beak, lips, or drip any liquid
โŒ Cannot be placed exactly where a normal mouth would go on a standard kitbull.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Elemental Eyes (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Makes the kitbull's eyes elemental.
Size: Only affects eyes. Can extend 1x head height away from the eyes in the case of 'flowing' elements like fire or water.


โœ… Can affect one eye or both without odd eyes.
โœ… Must match an aspect the kitbull has and appear clearly magical and elemental in some way
โœ… Can stack with odd eyes for different pupils or blank eyes
โœ… Can extend to any extra body eyes.
โœ… Can be 1-2 aspects per application

๐Ÿ”ฎ Absence (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Removes a default feature from the kitbull.
Size: Relative to affected part!

โœ… Removal options (1 per application)

  • Eyes, mouth, and nose (can be any/all)
  • Front arms
  • Back legs

โœ… Removal area will be entirely smooth and flat as if nothing was ever there.
โœ… If removing (back) legs, can stack with sea tail for a seal-like or mermaid styled kitbull!
โœ… Can also stack with tentacles, extra limbs (non standard style), fins, or other traits to be placed where arms would go
โœ… If eyes/mouth are removed traits like spines, maw, etc can be placed on the whole face!

โŒ Must be a full removal, there will be no stub or hole where the part once was!
โŒ This trait is separate from injuries, this will modify the base anatomy to where the kitbull does not have the part at all! Injuries/lost limbs are not a trait and do not require this trait.
โŒ Cannot be affected by any replacement traits if removed.
โŒ Does not change main body shape aside from the removals
โŒ For ear or tail removal check odd ears and odd tail!

๐Ÿ”ฎ Fins (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds fins to the kitbull's body

  • 1x body length if a continuous line of fins running down the spine
  • Otherwise max fin length is 50% body length
  • Max 50% design coverage

โœ… Can be any style of fin found on a fish, including shark fins!
โœ… For flowy or membrane fin types they can be lightly translucent
โœ… Fins can be lightly tattered and have small holes
โœ… Can be placed anywhere on the head, body, or limbs

โŒ Cannot modify tail. Use sea tail instead if you want a fish tail!
โŒ Cannot have large tears or large holes
โŒ Cannot form complete rings around parts or circular sleeve, shawl, or skirt shapes. They should only look like normal fins!

๐Ÿ”ฎ Hydra (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds +1 Extra head to the kitbull per use of the trait
Size: Must be the same size as the original head

  • KITBULL - Max 3 heads total
  • LONGBULL - Max 5 heads total
  • TRUBULL - Max 2 heads total

โœ… New head should pull from the design's existing palette, but can still be different colors/markings and traits from the original head. Eg: can have different default ears and eyes
โœ… Any head modifying or addons that affect the head can optionally apply to multiple extra heads as well! So adding +1 horn set can add 1 horn set to ALL heads if you'd like!
โœ… Up to you if the heads are separate consciousness or all part of the same mind!
โœ… For longbulls and standard kitbulls the neck can be VERY SLIGHTLY extended to accomodate extra head if needed.

โŒ New head can ONLY be placed between the shoulders where a head would go, cannot be placed anywhere else on the design
โŒ Does not modify base head shape, merge with existing head, or add an extra face. Must be a full extra head!

๐Ÿ”ฎ Extra Limbs (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds up to 8 extra limbs

  • 1x normal kitbull limb length if mimicing normal kitbull arms
  • 1.5x limb length if human-like limbs
  • Up to 1x body height if insect limbs
  • Ear sized (if replacing ears)

โœ… Limb options

  • Spider or scorpion
  • Insect
  • Crab, shrimp, or lobster
  • Kitbull arms
  • Human-like arms

โœ… Can be placed on:

  • Main body
  • Back
  • Head
  • Tail tip (hand only, doesn't make tail longer)
  • Ears (replaces ears with large arms/hands)

โœ… Can be affected by elemental enchantment, lustrum talon, lucky paws, float, and addon traits like spines or body eyes
โœ… Can extend from any exposed inner areas such as shattered or hollow

โŒ Cannot add extra kitbull legs or human-like legs
โŒ Cannot be affected by wyvern wings
โŒ Cannot be stacked with itself
โŒ Limbs cannot grow from other limbs

๐Ÿ”ฎ Armor Plating (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds large armored plating to the kitbull
Size: Up to 50% coverage

โœ… Plating options:

  • Beetle shell - can lift up!
  • Beetle "helmet" plating (can merge with the horn mutation!)
  • Layered/raised isopod plating on the back or tummy
  • Armadillo shell (standard kitbull only)
  • Turtle Shell (standard kitbull only)

โœ… Wings can be hidden under the beetle shell but a wing reference must be provided!
โœ… When insect plates and insect tail are combined the kitbull can curl into a ball!
โœ… Plating must be a smooth texture by default!

โŒ This natural "armor" is part of the kitbull and cannot be taken off like an accessory!
โŒ For normal flat plate scales use the scales peculiar trait instead!
โŒ For additional spikes or horns try spikes, +1 horn set, or body horns!
โŒ Cannot replace or modify tail, use insect tail instead!

๐Ÿ”ฎ Extra Eyes (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds eye markings or extra eyes to the kitbull's body.

  • Functonal eyes can be up to 2x the kitbull's eye individually with up to x20 eyes placed
  • OR alternativel a functioning eye can be 1 large eye up to x1 head height with up to 5 tiny accent eyes.
  • Eye markings can cover up to 50% of the design

โœ… Eye markings info

  • Eyes can be any style of eye marking
  • Eye markings can optionally glow with out additional traits
  • Eye markings can stack with cosmic markings and runic markings to modify the eye markings

โœ… Functional Eyes info

  • Can be kitbull or trubull/humanoid shaped eyes
  • Can be any color
  • For different pupil shapes, blank eyes, or glowing eyes it can stack with the odd eyes trait
  • Can also stack with the elemental eyes trait for elemental or crying eyes

โœ… Can be placed on most external areas with enough surface area. Eg: head. body, limbs, wings, tail, tentacles, halo, and so on!

โŒ Cannot modify the kitbull's normal default eyes
โŒ Eyes cannot be connected to each other
โŒ Cannot be placed inside the kitbull

๐Ÿ”ฎ Hollow (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Creates a hole in the kitbull's body showing their hollow inside
Size: Can be any amount of holes in any size that add up to 25% total coverage across the whole design.

โœ… Holes can be any simple shape with a smooth edge. Eg: circle, line, stars, etc
โœ… Can be used to make parts of the character heavily tattered or shredded
โœ… Can be placed anywhere on the character
โœ… Can be used in place of eyes to create hollow eyes
โœ… Can be used to impale weapons and objects through the kitbull. (note: objects cannot be heavily elemental or mimic other traits)
โœ… Elemental insides can seep or show from holes (eg: a hole in the chest showing bones inside using is they have the bone aspect), ecosystem can have critters living within the kitbull (such as a worm poking out of a hole)

โŒ Cannot totally remove parts or separate parts. All parts must still be connected around the holes.
โŒ Cannot appear as a break, use shattered instead!
โŒ Cannot be placed to resemble a normal mouth on a standard kitbull
โŒ Cannot remove so much of the design that it does not resemble a kitbull's form
โŒ NOTE: please avoid heavy hole-based body horror on designs!

๐Ÿ”ฎ Motes (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds small simple flecks of aura that float around the kitbull
Size: Small, about half the size of the eye or less. They should be small and sparse

โœ… Appearance options:

  • Small dots
  • Stars
  • Small simple geometric shapes like squares or triangles
  • Confetti
  • Small lines/embers
  • Flower petals or leaves
  • Swirls
  • Tiny flames/will-o-wisps
  • Simple feather-like shapes
  • Simple fairy, butterfly, fly, or bee shapes with no detail

โœ… They float around the kitbull and follow the kitbull
โœ… Can glow and sparkle
โœ… Can be any color, individually motes must be a single color only, but separate motes can be different colors.
โœ… Can use multiple mote types

โŒ Only looks like single-color simple shapes, would not have detail or markings!
โŒ These are small non-aspect effects that any kitbull can use as an accent. For more detailed or larger effects use elemental enchantment paired with your kitbull's aspects!
โŒ Cannot form rings or have unified patterns, they should float randomly!
โŒ Cannot densely cluster or obstruct the design, they must be very sparse.
โŒ Cannot attach to the body, flow from inside the body, or merge with other traits

๐Ÿ”ฎ Runic Markings (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Engraves runic markings into the kitbull's form for some magical purpose.
Size: Up to 50% coverage.

โœ… Runes include any letters, numbers, text characters, or symbols that resemble those things
โœ… Can be single letters, lines of text, magic rune circles, etc!
โœ… Rune markings can optionally glow
โœ… Runes can optionall have small elemental effects trickle from them that match 1 aspect they have.
โœ… Can be layered on the fur like markings or carved into the kitbull

โŒ For any submissions using text in a non english language please provide translations in the comments section of the approval! We will turn down any offensive or inappropriate text.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Insect Tail (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Replaces the kitbull's tail with something more insect-like...
Size: Follows standard tail sizing

โœ… Can be various bug-like tails and segmented tails such as: centipede, milipede, scorpion, lobster, shrimp, wasp
โœ… Can have extra bug-like limbs lining the tail that match the type of insect it mimics (eg: centipede legs lining on a centipede tail).
โœ… Can stack with tail modifiers like huge tail, multiple tails, etc!
โœ… Can have a fluffy, smooth, or layered carapce texture

โŒ Must still look like a tail, cannot be used to make a standard kitbull appear like a longbull
โŒ Only affects tail

๐Ÿ”ฎ Halo (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Adds +1 Halo or ring to the character per use of the trait

  • KITBULL - 1x body length if quadruped, 50% body height if bipedal
  • LONGBULL - 50% body length
  • TRUBULL - 50% body height

โœ… Can be any simple smooth shape. Eg: circle, square, star, heart
โœ… Can be placed behind the head, above the head, or as a ring around the body or body part
โœ… If placed above or behind the head it can be a ring or be a solid disc, if encircling a body part it must be ring style.
โœ… Can lightly glow
โœ… Can have simple markings/imagery and very light embellishments
โœ… Can stack with other traits to modify or add to the halo, eg: spikes for a thorned halo, wing replacement or +1 wingset to add wings to the halo, extra eyes to add eyes to the halo, and so on!
โœ… Elemental enchantment can be added to create halos of fire, water, ice, metal,plants, bones, etc.

โŒ Only +1 halo PER TRAIT. For multiple halos you will need multiple copies of the trait!
โŒ Must clearly look like a floating halo, cannot be weapons or other objects!

38 results found.