
⚡ Sea Hair

⚡ Sea Hair (Astrean)

Category: Additional Traits
Species: Browbird (Astrean subtype)

🌈 Can be applied to an Astrean browbird using a Chromatic Conch.

Trait: Replaces some or all of the hair with tentacles and/or fins. You can use both or just one.
Size: Only affects hair. Fin hair can be up to 50% body length, and tentacle hair can be up to 100% body length.

✅ Can be any type of fin style, and/or octopus or squid style tentacle
✅ Can be styled in different ways/have accessories
✅ Can be a tentacle beard, it should be clearly distinct and not entirely meld with the face
✅ Tentacle suckers are optional
✅ Tentacles can be cleanly chopped and have scars to create different styles
✅ Can be shiny but should not appear metallic/reflective (see examples)
✅ Tentacles can move on their own

✅ Can be styled in different ways (IE: Fin mohawk is possible!)
✅ Can be lightly tattered
✅ Fins can be any type of fish fin, and can be lightly translucent. This only applies to fish fins, not thicker shark-like fins
✅ Fins can be placed in single, separate rows along hair tentacles if using both but cannot entirely cover or obstruct them.
✅ Can be fin beard, it should be clearly distinct and not entirely meld with the face and shouldn't look like whiskers.

❌ REPLACES some or all of the normal hair on the head. Only comes from the top of the head/where hair would naturally grow on the head, does not grow from anywhere else.
❌ Should look like hair on the head, does not modify the head shape.
❌ Does not stack with other hair modification traits. Tentacles and fins cannot have feathers, fur, wings, scales, plates, or other traits grow from them. Fins should not look like spikes or blades.
❌ The trait overall cannot go past 100% body length even if applying fins to the tips of max sized tentacles.
❌ For masterlist art, tentacles wrapping around the body or other traits should be kept to a minimum to not obstruct the design or appear as body tentacles.
❌ While sea hair can have tattering/damage/scars there cannot be holes, leaking portions, or carved out missing chunks.


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