VoidGremlin's Avatar
23 December 2020 (3 years ago)
Hello there! I'm VoidGremlin, but you can call me Void! I'm just a timid gremlin who's still exploring this place, so don't mind me and my grubby little gremlin paws! I'm mostly active on Discord, and you can find me with the same name in the Celestial Seas discord!
I just am shy and don't talk much...

Please understand I don't enjoy offers on my characters if they're not up for offers, so don't ask!

Honk is the word!
50 ✨ Stargold
9 💎 Celestial Shard
🔮 Celestial Orb
🌈 Shawl Frappuccino [LIMITED]
🏆 To The Stars
🥚 Cloud Pet Egg

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2020-12-24 00:07:21 (Edited 2020-12-24 01:32:31)

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