
Ancient (Ancient)

Category: Type
Species: Browbird (Ancient subtype)
Royal Horns

Royal Horns (Ancient)

Category: Horns
Species: Browbird (Ancient subtype)

🌈 Can be applied with a [item not yet available].

Trait: Elaborate horns to crown an ancient's head.
Size: Can be up to 3x head height.

✅ No branch limit
✅ Can be linked together and create loops
✅ Can have filigree shaped flares
✅ Can grow slightly out of the sides of the head

❌ Cannot grow from areas outside the top/upper sides of the head.


Phoenix Tail (Ancient)

Category: Tail
Species: Browbird (Ancient subtype)

Ancient tail style.
These tails are often made of very large, long feathers and trailing thin feathers. They are usually very detailed and have many parts to them. 

🔸 Adding this trait requires the browbird to be an ancient and the use of one ancient trait.

❌ This trait cannot have split tail, x2 tails, or x3 tails applied to it and does not stack with that trait. It can have multiple "tails" by default.

🔸 This tail can be up to 3x the browbird's body length.


Aspect Blessing (Ancient)

Category: Additional Traits
Species: Browbird (Ancient subtype)


  • Ancient free trait
  • Ancient Exclusive trait (if more than 1 blessing)

Trait:  Adds an elemental accent effect to the character. Can be 1-2 elements per blessing
Size: Up to 25% design coverage per application, trails can extend up to 25% body length. MAX 3 BLESSING PER CHARACTER (including the free one)

WIP TRAIT, may change at any time.

✅ Can be spread out over the design or localized to one spot
✅ 1-2 aspects per application
✅ Adds to features, such as make a flaming tail tip, lightly coat horns and fur in icicles, bits of clouds flowing off the fur
✅ Can make markings elemental and allows some markings to 'flow off' the character, ect: star markings, constellations.
✅ You can stack multiple blessings as long as it's not used to make one large chunk of element or entirely cover/replace a part.

❌ Cannot replace parts or make limbs/wings/tail/body appear entirely made out of an aspect. You can add frost and icicles to the tips of a wing, but you cannot make the feathers or wing itself be made out of ice. (use replacement instead!)
❌ Elements used should match one the character has

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