
⚡ Sea Hair

⚡ Sea Hair (Astrean)

Category: Additional Traits
Species: Browbird (Astrean subtype)

🌈 Can be applied to an Astrean browbird using a Chromatic Conch.

Trait: Replaces some or all of the hair with tentacles and/or fins. You can use both or just one.
Size: Only affects hair. Fin hair can be up to 50% body length, and tentacle hair can be up to 100% body length.

✅ Can be any type of fin style, and/or octopus or squid style tentacle
✅ Can be styled in different ways/have accessories
✅ Can be a tentacle beard, it should be clearly distinct and not entirely meld with the face
✅ Tentacle suckers are optional
✅ Tentacles can be cleanly chopped and have scars to create different styles
✅ Can be shiny but should not appear metallic/reflective (see examples)
✅ Tentacles can move on their own

✅ Can be styled in different ways (IE: Fin mohawk is possible!)
✅ Can be lightly tattered
✅ Fins can be any type of fish fin, and can be lightly translucent. This only applies to fish fins, not thicker shark-like fins
✅ Fins can be placed in single, separate rows along hair tentacles if using both but cannot entirely cover or obstruct them.
✅ Can be fin beard, it should be clearly distinct and not entirely meld with the face and shouldn't look like whiskers.

❌ REPLACES some or all of the normal hair on the head. Only comes from the top of the head/where hair would naturally grow on the head, does not grow from anywhere else.
❌ Should look like hair on the head, does not modify the head shape.
❌ Does not stack with other hair modification traits. Tentacles and fins cannot have feathers, fur, wings, scales, plates, or other traits grow from them. Fins should not look like spikes or blades.
❌ The trait overall cannot go past 100% body length even if applying fins to the tips of max sized tentacles.
❌ For masterlist art, tentacles wrapping around the body or other traits should be kept to a minimum to not obstruct the design or appear as body tentacles.
❌ While sea hair can have tattering/damage/scars there cannot be holes, leaking portions, or carved out missing chunks.


⚡ Body Tentacles

⚡ Body Tentacles (Astrean)

Category: Additional Traits
Species: Browbird (Astrean subtype)

🌈 Can be applied to an Astrean browbird using a Chromatic Conch.

Trait: Adds tentacles that grow from the body.
Size: ONLY UP TO 8 CAN BE PLACED TOTAL. Individually tentacles can be up to 1x body length from top of head to the ground. Can be as thick as the examples shown.


  • Sides of arms
  • Upper back
  • Sides of face above or below the ears
  • Sides of body
  • Sides of lower Legs (below the thigh)

✅ Can be asymmetrical
✅ Can be any type of octopus or squid style tentacle
✅ Can be styled in different ways/have accessories
✅ Tentacle suckers are optional
✅ Tentacles can be cleanly chopped and have scars
✅ Can be shiny but should not appear metallic/reflective (see examples)
✅ Tentacles can move on their own
✅ Can be stacked with the fins trait. Fins can be placed in single, separate rows along the tentacles. Fin sizing and total coverage still applies.
✅ Can wrap around the body as long as they are not heavily obstructing the character or mimicing other traits. (ie: you can have a tentacle wrap around the arm, but having multiple wrapping around an arm to make it appear made of tentacles will not pass!)

❌ Cannot be stacked with itself to add more tentacles
❌ Tentacles cannot have fur, feathers, wings, scales, plates, or other traits growing from them (with the exception of fins if you have the fin trait).
❌ While tentacles can have damage/scars there cannot be holes, leaking portions, or carved out missing chunks.
❌ Cannot be placed in any spot other than what is listed. Cannot come from wounds, cannot grow from wings, chest, front of body, front of face, hips, upper leg area, or near where the tail would be to mimic a tentacle tail.


⚡ Sea Veil

⚡ Sea Veil (Astrean)

Category: Additional Traits
Species: Browbird (Astrean subtype)

🌈 Can be applied to an Astrean browbird using a Chromatic Conch.

Trait: Adds translucent, flowing fin veils and/or jellyfish tentacles to an astrean browbird
Size: ONLY UP TO 8 CAN BE PLACED TOTAL across the entire design. Individually sea veils can be up to 1x body length regardless of where they're placed. This includes all trailing sections and extra tendrils.


  • Top of head
  • Sides of head/edge of face
  • Anywhere on the main body
  • Arms and legs

✅ Can be asymmetrical
✅ Can be a large veil that fully or partially wraps around part of the body and/or thin veils
✅ Large veils can fully wrap around the body (see examples). As long as it's all connected it counts as 1 placement
✅ Can be lightly tattered
✅ Edges can be any simple shape like wavy, zigzag, etc.
✅ Can optionally have extra thin tendrils that grow from the main veil
✅ Veils can be layered over other veils. Each veil counts as x1 placement. Layers can be up to 3 deep. Ie: max 3 veils layered over each other.

❌ Does not replace any traits
❌ Cannot be stacked with itself to add more veils
❌ Veils cannot be any texture other than translucent fins/jellyfish-like tendrils
❌ Cannot be entirely transparent, and cannot be so opaque it obscures the character if it is layered over their body. (Between 10%-30% opacity is the safe zone)
❌ Cannot have large holes, but horns can poke through.
❌ Edges should be simple shapes only. Ie: tendrils can't be cut into shapes that resemble stars
❌ The thin extra "whisker-like" tendrils can only come from the veil portions and cannot be on their own
❌ Cannot be placed in any spot other than what is listed above. Cannot be placed on the tail, wings, front of face, other traits, or itself.



⚡ Body Webbing

⚡ Body Webbing (Astrean)

Category: Additional Traits
Species: Browbird (Astrean subtype)

🌈 Can be applied to an Astrean browbird using a Chromatic Conch.

Trait: Adds connected web fin that trails along the sides of the boddy and arm
Size: At minimum must run from the ELBOW to MID BODY. At max it can run from the fingers to the knees. The webbing can extend from the body up to 75% bodty length at the longest portions - long enough to brush the ground when arms are at their sides. (see examples)

✅ Can be asymmetrical
✅ Can be lightly translucent
✅ Can be lightly tattered
✅ Edges can be any simple shape like wavy, zigzag, etc.
✅ Can be stacked with SEA TAIL to allow the body webbing to connect to tail fins (see examples) otherwise webbing can only be on the main body.

❌ Does not replace any traits
❌ Cannot be stacked with itself to add additional webbing
❌ Cannot be bisected by other traits
❌ Cannot have large holes
❌ Other traits cannot be applied to it (EX: feathers, scales)
❌ Is not "wyvern" styled wings, does not turn arms into wings, and should not resemble wings!







⚡Fur Shawl

⚡Fur Shawl (★Uncommon)

Category: Additional Traits
🌈 This is an ITEM ONLY [limited] trait and cannot be obtained with an Uncommon trait potion, grant, trait purchases, or MYO traits. Can only be applied to a browbird or painted satyr using a Shawl Frappuccino.

🌈 Can be applied to a browbird or painted satyr using a Shawl Frappuccino.

Trait: Long poncho-like fur that starts at the shoulders or neckline and drapes over the body
Size:  Minimum length must go to around mid arm length/midsection of the character. Max length can lightly brush the ground.

✅ Can grow from the front neckline, shoulders, upper back, or mix of those options.
✅ Can be any fur texture and can be styled in different ways such as braided

❌ Cannot grow from anywhere but the area shown in the example
❌ If very long, fur cannot entirely conceal the body, the body must still be partially visible through the fur.
❌ Patches and thorns cannot be placed on top of the fur.
❌ Should hang downwards. Fur does not stick out to look like wings or a mane. It is layered overtop the body!

Delicate Anetnnae by Browbird

⚡Razor Talons

⚡Razor Talons (★Rare)

Category: Additional Traits
Species: Browbird
🌈 This is an ITEM ONLY [limited] trait and cannot be obtained with a Rare trait potion, grant, trait purchases, or MYO traits. Can only be applied to a browbird using the specific trait item.

🌈 Not yet available!

Trait: Razor sharp armored claws that trail up the hand and/or foot.
Size: Must start at claws and cover at least half of one finger/toe. Always stops at the wrist or where the foot ends. Max coverage can cover the entire top side of the feet and hands.

✅ Can be asymmetrical and can be placed on hands, feet, or both!
✅ Can be affected by some modifying traits (ex: raptor talons for the feet, reflective accents, body thorns)
✅ Any additional shapes inended as part of this trait should still be connected to the claws
✅ Can be raised slightly and have different edge shapes

❌ Does not alter foot, hand, or claw anatomy - Doesn't make hands or claws larger than standard!
❌ Can't be segemented/plated, broken up, or cracked
❌ Only covers the claws and top of the hand or top of the foot, not the underside! Claws MUST be connected to the armor.

Delicate Anetnnae by Browbird

➕ Glowing Extras

➕ Glowing Extras (★Special)

Category: Other


  • Free traits from: revenant, ancient, halv, feyblood

Trait: Glowing accent areas
Size: Only affects listed areas

✅ The following may glow with this trait:

  • Horn engravings, holes, or breaks
  • Cracks and carvings on the mask, exposed bone, or body
  • Whiskers (small cat-like whiskers only, not dragon whiskers)
  • Scars, mouth, teeth, and blood
  • Body spines and tail spines
  • Claws
  • Flora

✅ If being applied with glowing markings it does not overlap with that trait's coverage limit.
✅ Glow can be any color

❔NOTES (★Standard)

Category: Other

Used to mark important design notes or certain free extra traits!

Grove Form (Grove)

Category: Other
Species: Painted Satyr

This ability can only be obtained by completing the Grove Quest with a painted satyr.

NOTE: GROVE FORM IS BEING OVERHAULED IN THE FUTURE! So some features and trait availability will change.

★ When editing a character with this trait:

  • Grove form cannot be changed to another animal.
  • When updating the original form you will also have to update the grove form
  • To remove grove form and grove quest progress you must use a New Story item

★ Info
Painted satyr can unlock an animal form that they can freely change into. While in grove form they have heightened senses, can move faster, and feel more in tune with their surroundings. The grove form unlocked corresponds to which path of the grove quest your satyr takes


  • Free to use grove bases here. You are not required to use a base!
  • You do not need to unlock grove form to use grove traits.
  • Grove form animal does not restrict what type of grove traits you can use
  • Grove form does not come with any grove traits by default
  • The character is able to freely switch between the forms and the forms can be used in prompts interchangeably
  • Animal features can be adjusted as long as they still read as generally the same body plan and type of animal allowed by that grove type.

★ Universal Grove Form Design Info

✅ Markings and colors must be at least 90% similar to the original form
✅ Traits must match and be in roughly the same positions but can be adjusted for the animal form, such as adjusting patch coverage or flora placement.
✅ Grove form must ALWAYS have patches on the feet.
✅ Grove form can have an animal-like face matching the animal type, OR their usual painted satyr face to create a sphinx-like design.
✅ Hair (on the head) is optional in grove form
✅ Fur can be different in grove form
✅ Stylization and chibi animal designs are OK! As long as we can still tell what animal it is.
✅ Grove form can be between 2ft and 8ft tall not including tail/horns. They can be large enough to ride. Please make sure when drawing them in prompts they are not so small that they are not clearly visible!

❌ Grove form does not come with any extra grove traits such as paws, claws, extra wings, etc! The traits must match the original form.

Stag Quest by Browbird★ The Stag

Those who choose to seek out the Stag Spirit often find themselves lost, or in similarly repeating patterns of day to day activities. They wish to break away and find something more, to dig deep and find a way to make change. They may indulge in unhealthy or impulsive habits as  they hope for a sign to appear, but the Spirit of the Stag seems to come to those who have truly accepted that they are ready for change of any kind - not just change that they think they would like to see. Life is unpredictable and ever changing, and sometimes all that is needed to see the truth is to stand still - even for just a moment. 

  • The Stag is the fastest of the grove forms, being able to reach top speed quickly and sprint for long distances
  • They are most in tune in deep forested areas and jungles

✅ POSSIBLE ANIMALS: Deer, horse, sheep, goat, moose, and any animals with similar body and face structures.
✅ DEFAULT LIMBS: Must be quadraped and have a 4-limb body structure. All 4 feet must be patched and match the satyr's hooves.

  • Face can be stag or satyr
  • Hooves can be replaced with grove paws trait
  • Front hooves can be replaced with the wolf's claws trait

Stag Quest by Browbird★ The Wolf

Those who choose the Path of the Wolf are often looking for a sense of guidance and direction to find a prosperous path in their lives. Much like how a wolf will lead their pack and survive in the harshest of conditions, these Satyrs seek the ever elusive sense of security and knowing their fate and future is bright. It is also said that those who hail from cold or desolate places will find solace in this path, working as well with others as they would on their own.

  • The Wolf is the strongest of all the grove forms, able to easily tear things apart with their teeth, and with their sizeable stamina they can carry large burdens for long distances
  • They are most in tune in alpine areas and the mountainous regions 

✅ POSSIBLE ANIMALS: Wolf, any breed of dog
✅ DEFAULT LIMBS: Must be quadraped and have a 4-limb body structure. All 4 feet must be patched and match the satyr's hooves. Does not grant paws by default.

  • Face can be wolf or satyr
  • Hooves can be replaced with grove paws trait
  • Front hooves can be replaced with the wolf's claws trait

Stag Quest by Browbird★ The Cat

The path of the cat often reveals itself to those who have previously died and been reborn as a satyr, or to those seeking some sort of renewal. The same path is also typically sought out by more curious minds, or those with some sort of underlying mystery in their lives that they wish to resolve. It is often said that those hailing from cities or of nomadic natures feel at home under the guide of the Cat, but as with all the Guides, there is always a chance to be surprised!

  • The cat is the most agile of the grove forms, able to quickly and quietly move across any type of terrain
  • They are most in tune in grassy plains and deserts

✅ POSSIBLE ANIMALS: Lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, housecats, any any other type of small or big cat
✅ DEFAULT LIMBS: Must be quadraped and have a 4-limb body structure. All 4 feet must be patched and match the satyr's hooves. Does not grant paws by default.

  • Face can be cat or satyr
  • Hooves can be replaced with grove paws trait
  • Front hooves can be replaced with the wolf's claws trait

hawk★ The Hawk

Satyrs who follow the path of the Hawk are those who seek freedom from emotional weights and struggles. They desire to come to terms with any mental turmoil they may carry, be it from past lives, present issues with no clear resolution, or responsibilities and burdens they feel they have come to bear. Inner peace is something that can be obtained in many ways, but some satyr find it is easier discovered with the help of guiding wings to keep their heads held high.

  • The Hawk is is agile and perceptive, but where they most shine is their stamina. They are able to fly across vast distances without rest
  • The Hawk is one of the smaller grove forms, the largest hawk might be able to carry 1 person for a short distance
  • They are most in tune far above in the sky, cresting the tops of forests and tips of mountains and among the sky islands

✅ POSSIBLE ANIMALS: Hawk, vulture, parrot, duck, crow, or any other type of bird
✅ DEFAULT LIMBS: Must be bipedal and have wings and two hoofed feet OR bird-like feet.

  • Face can be bird-like or satyr
  • Feet can be replaced with grove paws trait
  • Wings can be replaced or modified with serpent wings and feyblood wings

❌ Does not grant wings or bird-like feet to the satyr's standard form.

serpent★ The Serpent

Satyr who seek out the path of the Serpent may be ones who are seeking to move on and heal from events in their past that may have caused much apprehension or distrust. They are oftentimes known to be reclusive and nervous of the unknown, but hoping and praying to open their heart once more to feed their innate curiosity of the world. Much like a snake sheds its skin into a new form, these satyrs hope for catharsis and transformation upon their return.

  • The Serpent is the most agile, strong, and capable in the water and able to dive to the farthest depths with ease
  • They are most in tune in wetlands, swamps, rivers, lakes, and oceans

✅ POSSIBLE ANIMALS: snake, snake-like lizards, sea serpent, dragon-like
✅ DEFAULT LIMBS: Must have no limbs, front limbs, or front AND back limbs. Limbs must be short and match the satyr's hooves or be clawed reptile-like feet. Reptile feet must at least have patches on the bottom.

  • Face can be serpent-like or dragon-like or satyr
  • Feet/hands can be replaced with grove paws trait
  • Front feet/hands can be replaced with wolf's claws trait

❌ Must have a long body
❌ Does not grant wings, fins, or scales by default

NOTE: 1x body length for serpents is still chest to butt. Neck length is not counted as body length!

⭐ Augmented Trait (★Special)

Category: Other

This trait is a WIP! While it is available for use, please be aware that designs submitted are more likely to be rejected if they use this trait due to lack of up to date reference material.

Augments cannot be swapped/moved to a different trait.


  • Cannot be applied with items

Trait: Alters a max sized trait to be even larger
Size: Depends on trait. Doubles the max allowed size or coverage where applicable. 

✅ Can be applied to any max sized trait, eg: mythic horns, mythic tail, super long ears
✅ Can be applied to additional traits, including common traits like faux wings and whiskers

❌ Cannot be applied to traits that are not already the max rarity/size. Ie: Cannot be applied to a rare tail, but can be applied to a mythic tail.
❌ Only affects the specific trait it is applied to. If modifiers applied to the affected trait work off of the base trait size it can also affect the modifier. (ex: applying it to mythic horns could allow horn holes to be larger since they're relative to horn size, not body size.)
❌ Cannot be applied to crests or satyr masks, but can affect mask material traits
❌ Cannot be applied to base anatomy eyes

Wing Charm

Wing Charm (★Special)

Category: Other

🌈 Can be applied to a winged character with the Wing Charm item!
☑️ All Astrean Browbirds can apply this trait for free, all specifics outlined by this trait are optional for this subtype!

Trait: Allows a winged character to hide their wings at will. The wings are replaced by either a wing-shaped marking OR a small enchanted trinket.
Size: See below!

🌀 Can be applied to: Hiros Back Wings Hiros Body Wings Lustrum Wings Hawk Wings Serpent Wings Feyblood Wings Kitbull Wing Mutation

You may choose ONE of the following when appling this trait:

    A small trinket or object that the character wears whenever their wings are hidden. Please CLEARLY SHOW the trinket being worn or held in some way on the masterlist entry.
    ✅ Can hide ALL WINGS or SPECIFIC WINGS with a single application of the trait, it is up to you!
    ✅ Application can be asymmetrical
    ✅ Can be worn anywhere on the body or clothing, such as a necklace, earring(s), on a belt, bracelet, etc. It's preferred if it is worn near where the hidden wings are but not required.
    ✅ Should have at least one wing motif in the design, the motif should resemble the type of wings being hidden
    ✅ Can have any type of stone/crystal/orb and can optionally glow in any color
    ✅ Can be made out of any material
    ✅ Can be any shape as long as it is somewhat small
    🔸 The character can summon their wings back at any time by disabling the charm, it is up to you how this looks! Examples: The charm stops glowing, they remove the charm, they break the charm, they simply will it to happen and the charm is unchanged, ect!
    ❌ Cannot be attached to weapons
    ❌ Cannot hide wing hair traits
    ❌ Cannot be much larger than the examples
    ❌ DOES NOT change the look of traits beyond removing the wings. If you remove ear wings you can choose any common ear only! If you hide tail wings the tail will look the exact same just without wings REGARDLESS OF RARITY!
    ❌ DOES NOT use up a trinket or apparel slot on prompts and does not provide any prompt bonuses!


    Stylized wing markings that cover the spot where wings used to be.
    Please CLEARLY SHOW a reference of the wing markings on the masterlist entry!
    ✅ For each pair of wings you want to hide you may apply a single wing marking to that spot
    ✅ Application can be asymmetrical
    ✅ Wing markings can be stylized in any way you'd like, can have small accent marks, and can be any color currently on the character's entire palette.
    ✅ OPTIONAL: The outlines of wing markings hiding ONE pair of back wings can glow. This glow must match at least one crest color on browbirds and can be any color on painted satyr or kitbulls. Only the outline on the wing markings themselves may glow and glowing outlines should be kept thin! The glow should not extend to any accent marks.
    🔸 The character can magically summon their wings back at any time by disbling the charm, it is up to you how this looks! Examples: Summoning back wings at will, having to cast a spell, the charm stops working if they use too much energy, the charm stops working if they get injured somehow etc!
    ❌ Cannot hide wing hair, tail wing, ear wing, or eyebrow wing traits
    ❌ Markings are not visible when the wings are showing!
    ❌ Cannot be much larger than the examples. Keep it small and ONLY in the area of the hidden wings! If your character only has tiny wrist wings the marking should not cover the entire arm or be placed anywhere other than the wrist area.

❗ NOTE: This trait is not required to give your character wing-shaped markings! Wing-shaped markings are not a trait on their own. They are just one possible visual option for when a character is hiding their wings with the wing charm trait.

You can still gain glowing wing markings normally by using a regular Mythic Glowing Marking trait!

⭐Anomaly (★Special)

Category: Other

This trait is reserved for special grants and event sales. It covers any trait variants not normally possible and any uncategorized traits!

Sometimes anomalies may be merged into existing traits OR become more widely available later as regular traits/event traits.
Anomalies are NOT unique traits, and may still appear on future designs!

❌ Anomaly Traits are lost if...

  • The design is reincarnated
  • The trait is moved somewhere else on the design - ONLY in cases where it is a placement not normally allowed. EX: if you have antennae placed somewhere not normally allowed by the trait instead of the head you can ONLY keep them in that specific spot OR move them to the head this losing the anomaly.

🌈 Cannot be applied with items or requested for MYOs/customs/designs.

Trait: Any one that has no classification otherwise or goes outside the bounds of what is normally allowed with a specific trait or subtype.
Size: N/A

✅ Info regarding the anomaly will be provided in the notes or character description

❌ Anomalies cannot be swapped or edited outside of what the specific anomaly allows. Check individual character description for more info!

Special Pet Trait (Companion)

Category: Other
Species: Companion

This trait is a WIP! While it is available for use, please be aware that designs submitted are more likely to be rejected if they use this trait due to lack of up to date reference material.

🌈 1 Trait from the list can be added to a companion creature by using the TBA item.

★ When creating or editing a character with this trait:
✦ Traits on this list cannot be swapped. They CAN be removed if it would not drop the design's rarity.
✦ Traits from this list allow the companion to optionally be drawn offbase
✦ Applying a trait from this list UPGRADES a companion to rare. While they can be drawn offbase with the new trait the design otherwise must remain 90% the same.
✦ CANNOT BE APPLIED TO MOUNTS OR MOUNT BABIES. These are only available to regular companion pets.This is planned for the future!

✦ REMINDER that all companion art submissions should be at 450x450px and not have a cropped thumbnail.

View all pets with special traits HERE.


Trait: Allows the companion pet to be much larger than normal
Size: Can be up to 2x-3x normal companion size. Up to a max of 6 ft tall.

✅ The pet can permanently be the larger size OR have the ability to shift between normal size and large size at will or with magic.
✅ Could be ridden by smaller characters like standard kitbulls

❌ Cannot exceed height limits. They are still smaller than normal grown mounts!

For reference, normal companion pets are anywhere from the size of a small rabbit to the size of a medium dog (2 ft tall from ground to top of head).


Trait: Rather than 1 companion, you get a small pack of them!
Size: 2-5 companions max. They can optionally be up to half the size of what is normally allowed for pets.

✅ IF INCLUDED IN A PROMPT you must show at least 2 of the multipet!
✅ Pets can all look the same as each other or each have different designs
✅ They can be separate individual pets OR one pet that split apart into multiples via magic or other methods.
✅ Can each have different rare pet anatomy and/or be based off the common or uncommon variant! (ex: for lunons you could have 1 with the crescent head and 1 with the full moon head)

❌ Cannot be different species of pet, they must all be the same


Trait: The companion pet is entirely or almost entirely made out of robotic parts! Robotic pets are all the rage in big cities these days.
Size: 50%-100% the pet's body.

✅ Can be any style. Android, steampunk, etc! As long as it is still clearly which species it is.

❌ This does not include pets with a prosthetic limb, that is fine for common!


Trait: The pet is entirely undead, raised through magical means like a revenant.
Size: Unead appearance must cover 25%-100% of the pet

✅ Can make the pet a zombie with exposed bone/muscle, missing limbs/eyes, worms, guts, rot, meat, etc!
✅ Pet could be sliced up/have the parts float separately, etc!
✅ Can be normal or candy gore. Blood can be any color, can glow, sparkle, etc!
✅ Can also make the pet partially or entirely skeletal.

❌ Please keep any gore/body horror PG-13 and safe for the site! Over the top bloody organs drawn in a realistic way may get declined!
❌ This does not include pets with scars/stitches, missing limb stumps, transluceny showing bone, or "ghost" pets (like the ghost talonfish), that is fine for common!


Trait: The pet is made out of non-aspect, non-living physical materials or objects. They were crafted by hand and brought to life with magic... Or slowly gained a soul over many years.
Size: 100% of pet.

✅ POSSIBLE MATERIALS: fabric/cloth, paper/books, string/yarn, shells, pillows, building blocks/toy bricks, pens/penicls, knicknacks, toys, lamps/lightbulbs/lanterns, plastic, baked goods like cake/bread, feathers, broken glass pieces, jewelry, ceramic/pottery
✅ Can be fully 3d or "flat" (like paper).
✅ Can have very minor elemental effects like regular pets (ie: small moss or flower growth, sparkles, glowing parts, small flames, and so on!)

❌ Does not include pets made with elements: stones, crystals, plants, fire, ice, water, metal, wind. Or things like smoke, light, ink, goo, etc!
❌ Should not appear robotic


Trait: The pet can shift in color/type within the same species. Either through magic, the seasons, or something else...
Size: 100% of pet.

✅ When applying this trait you can pick one or both of the effects at once! However to add additional palettes/forms you will need to apply another copy of the trait
✅ Palette shift can be to anything and allows the markings to change too but should retain some similarities to the original!
✅ The appearence of the pet can also change, (ex: for lunons 1 form could have the standard crescent head, and the alt form could have the full moon head!). This also includes rare pet anatomy differences.
✅ ALT FORMS can be edited separately/have traits applied separately. Any form is valid for prompts.

❌ MAX OF 4 FORMS TOTAL (original and up to 3 alts). You will need to apply this trait again for each alt form.

⚡Soul Gem

⚡Soul Gem (★Rare)

Category: Other
Species: Browbird (Ancient subtype)
🌈 This is an ITEM ONLY [limited] trait and cannot be obtained with a Rare trait potion, grant, trait purchases, or MYO traits. Can only be applied to a browbird using the specific trait item.


  • Item TBA
  • Ancient free trait

Trait:  Adds a small gemstone or crystal embedded in the forehead and/or the chest
Size: Can be around the size of the character's eye on the forehead or x2 the size of the eye on the chest.

✅ Can be any color
✅ Can be lightly affected by aspects the character has, such as having a fire aura or dripping liquid
✅ Can be any simple shape: round, oval, star, twinkle, moon, triangle, square, shell, heart, etc
✅ Can be reflective, shiny, faceted, flat, cracked, carved
✅ Can optionally glow and/or sparkle
✅ Can have a small bug or object contained within it like amber

❌ Should not resemble an extra horn or large body thorn/spike
❌ Should not resemble an eye or weapons
❌ Cannot show a view into the chest or resemble a hole into the chest
❌ Cannot merge with other traits, ex: being embedded in a horn, having other traits grow directly from the gem (They can come from around it however!)
❌ Cannot be placed anywhere other than the center of the forehead and center of the chest


☀️ Summer Bonus ☀️ (★Special)

Category: Perk

Granted to all designs obtained from summer EVENT SALES, or from the use of an Eclipse Insignia.

☀️ If this character is included in ANY "standard payouts" prompt during the summer season (June 1st - August 31st) they will grant a bonus! This bonus does not count towards any FIXED PAYOUT prompts like Wisher's Well or Celestial Seas Creations.

❗ YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN THE CHARACTER TO GAIN THE SEASONAL BONUS! It counts for any additional characters.

☀️ Visual Art Entries: +1 SG per colored drawing of the character. Must show at minimum 25% of the character. Counts for focus character, extra drawings of the focus character, and any additional characters with the bonus. You can gain a max of +6 SG this way.

☀️ Written Entries: +1 SG per 300 words. For the bonus to apply, the character with the bonus must meet ONE of these requirements:
✅ The story must be about or from the perspective of the character with the bonus.
✅ The character with the bonus must be in a major scene or have heavy involvement in at least one section, even if it's not throughout the entire work.
✅ The focus character interacts with the character who has the bonus multiple times across the entire work.
❌ If the character is only mentioned once or twice, or only has a couple sentences about them, they likely won't count! Please be fair about bonus inclusion and use your best judgement.
❌ Written seasonal bonus doesn't count per words written about the seasonal character specifically, only the whole wordcount. As long as you meet one of the requirements you're good!

You can earn up to +6 SG for writing this way
• +1 SG 300 words
• +2 SG 600 words
• +3 SG 900 words
• +4 SG 1200 words
• +5 SG 1500 words
• +6 SG 1800 words (MAX BONUS)

Please include in the comments which character grants the seasonal bonus + a mention of their involvement for writing.

❄️ Winter Bonus ❄️ (★Special)

Category: Perk

Granted to all designs obtained from winter EVENT SALES, or from the use of an Lunar Insignia.

❄️ If this character is included in ANY "standard payouts" prompt during the winter season (December 1st to February 28th) they will grant a bonus! This bonus does not count towards any FIXED PAYOUT prompts like Wisher's Well or Celestial Seas Creations.

❗ YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN THE CHARACTER TO GAIN THE SEASONAL BONUS! It counts for any additional characters.

❄️ Visual Art Entries: +1 SG per colored drawing of the character. Must show at minimum 25% of the character. Counts for focus character, extra drawings of the focus character, and any additional characters with the bonus. You can gain a max of +6 SG this way.

❄️ Written Entries: +1 SG per 300 words. For the bonus to apply, the character with the bonus must meet ONE of these requirements:
✅ The story must be about or from the perspective of the character with the bonus.
✅ The character with the bonus must be in a major scene or have heavy involvement in at least one section, even if it's not throughout the entire work.
✅ The focus character interacts with the character who has the bonus multiple times across the entire work.
❌ If the character is only mentioned once or twice, or only has a couple sentences about them, they likely won't count! Please be fair about bonus inclusion and use your best judgement.
❌ Written seasonal bonus doesn't count per words written about the seasonal character specifically, only the whole wordcount. As long as you meet one of the requirements you're good!

You can earn up to +6 SG for writing this way
• +1 SG 300 words
• +2 SG 600 words
• +3 SG 900 words
• +4 SG 1200 words
• +5 SG 1500 words
• +6 SG 1800 words (MAX BONUS)

Please include in the comments which character grants the seasonal bonus + a mention of their involvement for writing.

🎃 Autumn Bonus 🎃 (★Special)

Category: Perk

Granted to all designs obtained from autumn EVENT SALES, or from the use of an Everlit Insignia.

🎃 If this character is included in ANY "standard payouts" prompt during the autumn season (September 1st - November 30th) they will grant a bonus! This bonus does not count towards any FIXED PAYOUT prompts like Wisher's Well or Celestial Seas Creations.

❗ YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN THE CHARACTER TO GAIN THE SEASONAL BONUS! It counts for any additional characters.

🎃 Visual Art Entries: +1 SG per colored drawing of the character. Must show at minimum 25% of the character. Counts for focus character, extra drawings of the focus character, and any additional characters with the bonus. You can gain a max of +6 SG this way.

🎃 Written Entries: +1 SG per 300 words. For the bonus to apply, the character with the bonus must meet ONE of these requirements:
✅ The story must be about or from the perspective of the character with the bonus.
✅ The character with the bonus must be in a major scene or have heavy involvement in at least one section, even if it's not throughout the entire work.
✅ The focus character interacts with the character who has the bonus multiple times across the entire work.
❌ If the character is only mentioned once or twice, or only has a couple sentences about them, they likely won't count! Please be fair about bonus inclusion and use your best judgement.
❌ Written seasonal bonus doesn't count per words written about the seasonal character specifically, only the whole wordcount. As long as you meet one of the requirements you're good!

You can earn up to +6 SG for writing this way
• +1 SG 300 words
• +2 SG 600 words
• +3 SG 900 words
• +4 SG 1200 words
• +5 SG 1500 words
• +6 SG 1800 words (MAX BONUS)

Please include in the comments which character grants the seasonal bonus + a mention of their involvement for writing.

🌸 Spring Bonus 🌸 (★Special)

Category: Perk

Granted to all designs obtained from spring EVENT SALES. Item to apply this perk is not yet available!

🌸 If this character is included in ANY "standard payouts" prompt during the spring season (March 1st - May 31st) they will grant a bonus! This bonus does not count towards any FIXED PAYOUT prompts like Wisher's Well or Celestial Seas Creations.

❗ YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN THE CHARACTER TO GAIN THE SEASONAL BONUS! It counts for any additional characters.

🌸 Visual Art Entries: +1 SG per colored drawing of the character. Must show at minimum 25% of the character. Counts for focus character, extra drawings of the focus character, and any additional characters with the bonus. You can gain a max of +6 SG this way.

🌸 Written Entries: +1 SG per 300 words. For the bonus to apply, the character with the bonus must meet ONE of these requirements:
✅ The story must be about or from the perspective of the character with the bonus.
✅ The character with the bonus must be in a major scene or have heavy involvement in at least one section, even if it's not throughout the entire work.
✅ The focus character interacts with the character who has the bonus multiple times across the entire work.
❌ If the character is only mentioned once or twice, or only has a couple sentences about them, they likely won't count! Please be fair about bonus inclusion and use your best judgement.
❌ Written seasonal bonus doesn't count per words written about the seasonal character specifically, only the whole wordcount. As long as you meet one of the requirements you're good!

You can earn up to +6 SG for writing this way
• +1 SG 300 words
• +2 SG 600 words
• +3 SG 900 words
• +4 SG 1200 words
• +5 SG 1500 words
• +6 SG 1800 words (MAX BONUS)

Please include in the comments which character grants the seasonal bonus + a mention of their involvement for writing.

282 results found.