<a href="https://www.celestial-seas.com/world/items?name=💠 Fate's Focus" class="display-item">💠 Fate's Focus</a>

💠 Fate's Focus

Category: Trinkets

Rarity: ★★★

Resale Value: 6 ✨ Stargold

 Rarity: Rare
 Obtained from:
🖋️The Inkwell - Purchased for 🩸Inkdrop 25
The Haunting of Withermourn Manor Event Reward

Can be used with a browbird, painted satyr, or kitbull. 
Item can be used infinitely. 
The character using the item must be your own or the focus character.
You can only use one trinket item per submission.
The item does NOT NEED TO BE SHOWN or mentioned in the prompt itself, but you can if you'd like!

💎 Bonus: Adds a 50% chance to find 1-3 extra Celestial Shards.
Reward Chance


1💎 16.6%





★ Appearence:
You can tweak the appearance to suit your character, but the camera's runes must be clear and obvious.

Things you can change
  • The camera's color
  • Type of camera (Polaroid, digital, etc)
  • Strap design
A surprisingly lightweight camera with the ability to capture images of the paranormal.  The glowing runes inscribed in its framework assist in this feature, allowing the user to view supernatural phenomena otherwise invisible to the naked eye. A very popular item amongst ghost hunters!