<a href="https://www.celestial-seas.com/world/items?name=🎀 Runefrost Cloak" class="display-item">🎀 Runefrost Cloak</a>

🎀 Runefrost Cloak

Category: ★ Apparel

Rarity: ★★★★

Resale Value: 30 ✨ Stargold

 Obtained from:
★ Use:
✨Bonus: +3 Stargold
✨SPECIAL: +1 Extra stargold if the wearer has FROST magic (+4 total)
  • Can be used with a browbird, painted satyr, or kitbull.
  • Reusable - Attach this to the MULTI USE ITEM section of your prompt.
  • MENTION THIS ITEM in the comments section
  • The character using the item must belong to you
  • Item must be worn or clearly being used+visible in some way
  • You can only use one apparel item per submission.
★ Appearence:
  • ❗ MUST have rune or rune circle visible markings on the cloak somewhere
  • ❗ MUST have a fur trim somewhere, placement up to you. Fur can be any color/texture
  • Can be any color
  • Can be short or long
  • Can have sparkles, small motes, and runes made magic that surround the cloak or flow off it slightly
  • Can have glowing markings and glowing runes on the cloak
  • Inside of the cloak can resemble space and galaxies
  • Can have glowing moon charms attached to it


★ Description
An enchanted cloak empowered by frost. It repells the cold from the wearer both magical and natural, and protects one from fire magic. Those with the frost aspect that wear this behave in a manner more mysterious than usual...

Uses: Grants +3 stargold when included on the focus character in a prompt entry. OR +4 stargold if the focus character has the frost aspect.